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lecture tour 演講[講學]旅行。


Her selfless activity during the lecture tour and retreat reflects what master once said : “ i can even die for you ! 誠如師父所講的:我清海甚至可以為你們而死! !

In addition , some guests recognized master from her visit to geneva during the 1993 world lecture tour 有些來賓甚至認出師父曾于1993世界弘法之旅時到過日內瓦。

Later that day , in a wooded area near the kitchen , master met with the lecture tour working teams 稍后下午在廚房旁有林木的小空地,師父接見講經工作團。

The supreme master ching hai 1993 world lecture tour now available in both english and chinese editions 清海無上師一九九三年全球弘法專輯中文及英文版

Ecause the “ strange birds “ are not really birds , they “ vanish “ after the lecture tour is completed 因為怪鳥不是真的鳥,所以弘法之后就消失了。

The one hundred days of master s world lecture tour in 1993 , numerous extraordinary events occurred 全球弘法,在那百日期間,殊勝的事跡數說不盡!

During prof . stevenson ' s absence on a lecture tour , assistant prof . jones acted for him 在史蒂文森教授巡回講演期間,由瓊斯助教全權代表。

This lecture tour established a foundation for earth to step smoothly into the golden age 為全球順利進入黃金時代奠定了一塊重要的基石。

Supreme master ching hai s 1999 european lecture tour - true treasures recognized only by wisdom eyes 清海無上師歐洲弘法之旅慧眼識真寶

103 special reports supreme master ching hai s 1999 european lecture tour - color page no . 6 103特別報導清海無上師歐洲弘法之旅彩頁6

103 special reports supreme master ching hai s 1999 european lecture tour - color page no . 2 103特別報導清海無上師歐洲弘法之旅彩頁2

103 special reports supreme master ching hai s 1999 european lecture tour - color page no . 1 103特別報導清海無上師歐洲弘法之旅彩頁1

103 special reports supreme master ching hai s 1999 european lecture tour - color page no . 3 103特別報導清海無上師歐洲弘法之旅彩頁3

103 special reports supreme master ching hai s 1999 european lecture tour - color page no . 5 103特別報導清海無上師歐洲弘法之旅彩頁5

103 special reports supreme master ching hai s 1999 european lecture tour - color page no . 4 103特別報導清海無上師歐洲弘法之旅彩頁4

Master and disciples become as thin as their purses during the 1993 lecture tour 為弘法,師徒消瘦,荷包也消瘦盡力而為,才能盡善盡美

Was able to join master s 1993 world lecture tour due to the support of fellow initiates 能跟隨師父出國弘法,也要感謝同修的支持。

98 elevation of the soul the supreme master ching hai s 1993 world lecture tour 98心靈的躍升清海無上師一九九三年全球弘法之旅

Spring of the new millennium - supreme master ching hai s oceania asia lecture tour 2000 -清海無上師2000年大洋洲暨亞洲弘法之旅